Death sucks
What do you wish you had known about death and loss?
Navigating death and loss is difficult, sometimes earth-shattering. Yet, there are few ways to prepare for major loss than simply experiencing it firsthand. On the other side of that experience, though, we may find ourselves with new wisdom about how to keep going despite immense grief.
'Death sucks' aims to be a space that welcomes vulnerability and honesty about the challenge of going through a loss. It invites participants to share what they wish they had known before experiencing death or loss. The wall becomes a bank of guidance and tenderness for navigating hardship. The card format borrows the age-old gesture of card writing, creating an intimate and hand-held asynchronous exchange between two people: the person sharing what they wish they had known and the person(s) receiving the words of wisdom.
‘Death sucks’ was included in the Dying.exhibit hosted at OCAD University as part of DesignTO that ran from January 19-28th, 2024.